Canine pregnancy confirmation scans are best performed around 28 days post mating / insemination. We provide an estimated number of puppies which are visible at the time of scanning (please note this is just an estimate as puppies can hide during the scan!) as well as using foetal sac measurements to give an estimated due date, where possible.
Scans can also be life savers! Pyometria can be mistaken for pregnancy. An early scan can identify infection. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential.
If we suspect infection we will always refer you to your vets. They will be able to diagnose and treat if necessary.
Numbers of puppies are always estimated based on what we can see at the time of the scan. As the pregnancy develops, some may become more visible and in some circumstances puppies can be reabsorbed by the bitch.
This is the study of vaginal cells taken from your girl during her season to track the fertile window for mating. By taking a swab of the bitch's cervix, we can study the cells to determine the optimum time of ovulation. This helps to determine when the sperm is most likely to penetrate the egg. Not only does this help to find the best time to mate, but can also identify any infections that could
potentially cause problems for both the bitch and dog.
Cytology is a gentler, less stressful, method than progesterone testing. The test takes seconds and is pain free.
The cells are examined under our microscope with results given whilst you wait.
* Semen collection, chilling and shipping £150 plus delivery
* Microchipping £5 per puppy
* Delivery assist POA
* Puppy Incubator hire £100 per week